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Tuhunga makes data
more productive.

Capture, analyze, visualize, monitor and share. Automatically and seamlessly.

Watch your data headaches disappear.

Cloud-based intelligence
that works for you
Import all your data
Wide range of formats supported. Upload files from your computer or use files from the Internet, Skydrive or Google Drive.
Use third party data
Frequently used datasets are maintained for you (many included with your membership).
Create custom filters and reports
See your results in a table or chart in moments. Build dashboards or monitoring systems in minutes.
Improve collaboration
Share your data and results with colleagues, or embed results in a web page.

Let's see how Tuhunga takes you from data to insight.

Importing your data

  • Major data formats supported
    Excel, OpenOffice, CSV, HTML, XML/RSS, plain text, Google Docs spreadsheets and JSON, along with direct user input
  • Data can be anywhere
    Either uploaded by the user, or located on the Internet
  • Data can be imported automatically
    Data located on the Internet can be captured on a recurring basis without any user attention or intervention
  • Data can be validated
    Manage your datasets with content validation, owner validation, and pattern matching
  • Simple user interface
    Point-and-click to capture individual elements or entire tables at once
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Analyzing and reporting

  • Fully customizable filters
    Navigate the data as desired
  • Comprehensive function set
    Use 150 functions covering math, statistics, dates, times, text, data lookup and more
  • Summary reporting
    Consolidate data with a few clicks, and create pivot tables
  • Wide range of reporting options
    Interactive tables and over 15 chart types, including gauges, heat maps, geographic maps and motion charts
  • Enterprise-class configurability
    Schedule reports at predetermined times, display only new results not previously seen, and monitor datasets for new data that meets user criteria without ongoing user interaction
  • Effortlessly merge datasets
    Combine data from multiple sources, including colleagues and third parties, to use in your analysis in under a minute

Sharing your data, tables and charts

  • Data can be shared
    Designate colleagues for read and/or write access to data
  • Results can be shared
    Grant colleagues, or the public at large, permission to view report output (tables or charts) or download the results
  • Integrates with existing web pages
    Embed tables and graphs on web pages on the Internet or a corporate Intranet
  • Modular system
    Changes by one user do not corrupt another user's work.
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Subscribing to third party data

  • Diverse datasets available
    Currently offer third party data in the following areas: finance, industry, population & social conditions, general knowledge, and technology
  • Notable data includes:
    • Foreign exchange rates
    • Interest rates and bond yields
    • Labor market information
    • Energy pricing and production
    • Industrial metals production
    • Global earthquakes
  • Benefit from continually-updated data
    All third party datasets are maintained for you and contain the latest information
  • Attractive pricing
    Many sets are included with your membership

Get in touch to discover how we can help you, or see Tuhunga in action
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